designer’s garden
Suhanovo's garden
Suhanovo Park
I’d like to express most heartfelt thanks to my clients – for they aren’t only my clients but also true coauthors, friends and a constant source of inspiration. They are amazing people who grant me with their trust and help me realize my creations. Especially I thank those opening their gardens to my students and readers, setting high standards for landscape design in our country.
I would like to share with you the deep and true joy my work gives me. I love each stage of it: anywhere from meeting with the client and designing the garden to implementing the plans. My gardens aren’t some abstract design studies. Each garden is being built around the personality, taste and life style of the client. |
It gives me special joy to return to my gardens watching their evolution and growing. I find out from my clients about their life with the new garden. Sometimes we bring in adjustments and updates, turning the garden into a comfortable living environment, nourishing its inhabitants with new energy and inspiration.
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